19 November, 2009

Calliou's influences

The other day I was at McDonalds with Conner, Corby, and Brenna. The kids were on the playground and I was talking with one of the moms there. She has a two year old little girl and she commented on how badly her little girl wanted to go to school, and she had no idea why. I asked her if her daughter liked watching Calliou. (for those who don't know who Calliou is, it is a children's show about a little boy and the day to day experiences the goes through and how he deals with it.) The mother said that her daughter loves Calliou. I told her that each one of my kids, whenever they watched Calliou and they show the episode of Calliou going to school that afterwards they would beg to go to school. The same goes for riding a school bus. I thought it was interesting.

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