23 February, 2011

All about M.E.H.

I added thisafter the story. HA! HA!
Hi I am a daughter of this master mind. I was too young to make my own blog so I am writing on my mom's. I have no photos to share yet but maybe a  story . By the way I am an excellent  writer let me see aw here we go .....  One day there was a little girl who was named Kani. Kani   wondered   stuff like if she would have a good life a head or if she was just a little toy. Yep she could not stop she wondered things thin as air to big as a skyscraper. Her parents worried about her.  Then one day her cousin came over. Kani wondered if her cousin would be nice or just nasty. Her cousin's name was Janie . When Janie came over Kani  just  went wondering off.Janie said " hey Kani how are you?" "good" Kani answered then just went back to wondering. Janie was younger than Kani so she was extra curious. Kani got really annoyed. When Janie had to go back home after SUMMER VACATION!  Kani told  her mother and her father about Janie and how pesky she was. "Well  that is kind of how we feel about all your wondering ." Kani stood in shock. From then on she never worried too much ever again.
                                           THE      END                    
                                       This story had no lessons just a story to entertain just if you think it has real life lesson I repeat there is no lesson.            

1 comment:

Randy said...

You are hilarious Maren. So cute.