26 January, 2011

Martin Luther King's day

For the Martin Luther King holiday, we decided to go to the beach. I like to go to the beach by the Indian river, near us, because it has many of the benefits of going to the oceanside, without the dangerous waves. Since I usually have to take the kids on my own, I like the no wave part. It means I get to relax too. So we drove around for awhile to find a place by the river that allowed dogs, since we would like to get Baby socialized to different environments as part of her training. We finally came to a place near one of the causeways, near the museum and aquarium that we took Sage and her family to. We had so much fun. The kids built sandcastles, sandforts, moats, little Islands, minipools, you name it, they built,or dug it. Of course Baby had to help. We saw many boats, and even a pod of dolphins. I think there were maybe 6 or 7 dolphins among the pod. I tried to take a picture of them, but they were too far away and too fast for my camera for me to get any decent pictures. Hopefully I painted a good enough image in your minds to make up for it. It was so much fun, and we could have been there through the night. But all good things have to come to an end. Right?!

1 comment:

Nicky said...

That looks and sounds like so much fun! What a beautiful place you live in. I need to come visit. My kids would have lots of fun